Make 2017 all about YOU
Do it for yourself,
The New Year is fast approaching, and that means one last feast before we should get back to a fitness regime.
At least, that’s the plan. For so many, those good intentions get lost as soon life is back to "normal".
Back to work, the next birthday or just the next weekend,...
Simply, for most, staying fit or getting fit is hard.
Thankfully though you no longer have to do it alone. Join one of 6 weekly outdoor group classes, mornings, afternoons or evenings there is a suitable time for every busy schedule but you need to commit!
Plan ahead in the coming days and schedule your workload so you can free some time to attend our classes.
Part II of your NEW YOU lifestyle will be the nutrition side of things, what you put in is what has to be worked off. That's how in simple terms things work.
Keep snacking away, get your drive thru fix or have one or two beverages too much on the weekend.
It has to stop! Yes, there is no soft approach this time around. If you want to fast track your health, the first 8-12 weeks will decide what the rest of the year will look like. Same old story or a new start?!
We start January 9th, all you need to do is send a simple massage to us. I'M IN !!
Let's do it together, we help you and answer all your questions. Like to be accountable than jump onj our scales day 1 and we keep you on track throughout the year.
Don't do it for anybody else than yourself, MAKE YOURSELF COME FIRST!!